October 2, 2007 Letter to the editor (Missoulian) by Linda McCarthy.

Because the Missoulian has indicated to me that they will not print my rebuttal to the absolutely ridiculous charges and lies they printed in today's paper, I'm posting here a rebuttal to Ms. McCarthy's letter.

Her letter appears in the plainer text, my reply in bold


Keith Blackwell is over the top yet again in his most recent tirade (Sept. 21 Missoulian) about Play Ball Missoula, the Missoula Osprey and the Ellis family.


As a taxpaying resident of this fine community, I am frankly stunned that the Osprey have been required to close Hickory Street during baseball games to prevent other citizens from driving to and from the games through the neighborhood. The most efficient way for me to drive home after a game is by going south on Hickory Street to Third, but because of the rantings of Blackwell, I'm required to exit the stadium to Orange Street only. This doesn't seem appropriate. I wonder what would happen if I decided Missoulians shouldn't be allowed to drive on my street?

BS: It's a stipulation of the agreement that Playball signed with the City to keep Hickory Street closed. I'm not asking for anything out of the ordinary here.


Blackwell has gone so overboard in his attacks on the Osprey, Play Ball Missoula and the Ellis family that he has maintained a Web site critical (and inaccurate) of all things Osprey for more than a year, and he's mailed several letters to Missoula-area businesses and individuals attacking the integrity of the Ellis family.

Partially true. I have pointed out their lack of integrity by telling the truth about their abhorent behavior. This cannot fairly be called attacking them. The website is entirely accurate. Am I going overboard by pointing out that these people think they can operate above and beyond the law? Am I going overboard by insisting that they do what they said they would? I don't think so.

Blackwell has personally attacked city officials, Osprey employees and others. It got so bad that the Osprey had to acquire a temporary restraining order on Blackwell in the interest of keeping Osprey staff members and players safe.

I have pointed out that the Osprey Management and City Officials have not been ignoring the interests of my family and neighborhood, and have been doing so in a manner that is inconsistant with common decency. I've called them out on this, yes. As city officials, they have a duty to protect the interest of citizens, not JUST big business. I have no personal beef with any of them, believe it or not, I'm just trying to get justice served. I have never attacked any Osprey employees or "others", nor have I harassed any others, or threatened anyone, ever. I had numerous encounters with Osprey staff and Missoula Police Officers this summer, and none of them can say I was anything other than courteous.

The Temporary Restraining Order was based on lies and should never have been signed by a judge. Mike and Matt Ellis flat-out lied on it to quiet me during a time when they really, really needed to present a community-loved image. I am the victim of their horrible decrepitude.

Here, is why they lied, in simple, easy to understand terms:

Blackwell lives in the heart of a vibrant community. However, he incessantly harasses everyone involved with the commerce associated with building, maintaining and supporting a beautiful stadium in a significantly blighted area in the center of our city.

ABSOLUTE BULLSHIT. I do not, and have never harrassed anyone. I have only sent polite letters to local businesses indicating that I disprove of the manner in which Playball, the Ellises, and the City are sacrificing the safety of my children by blatantly ignorning the contract they signed. If I had truly harassed anyone, they could've taken legal measures against me, but they haven't. Because they can't. Because none of what they say about me is true. In short, because they are LIARS.

This development has ultimately led to the full redevelopment of the Champion millsite and the creation of the Old Sawmill District that will bring commercial business, residential development and new tax dollars to this community.

Groovy, more power to them. Please just obey the law, okay? Thanks!

Blackwell has continued to bash the Ellis family, and he's gotten personal. What he won't tell you is how much the Ellis family has contributed to improving Missoula. Matt Ellis serves on the board of directors for the Missoula Chamber of Commerce, Missoula Convention & Visitors Bureau and the Missoula Downtown Association. He has donated significant resources of time and money to a variety of projects and events that make our community so vibrant. He and his family have purchased several commercial properties and businesses here and have invested significant dollars in improvements. He and the Osprey organization have created a ?boatload? of good jobs for a variety of Missoulians. The Ellises are law-abiding, taxpaying community contributors.

They might be law-abiding and taxpaying, but their organization is not. That's what I have a problem with. I'm all for them and their organization if they'd just suck up and do what they agreed to do. I have never met any of the Ellises, and have no idea as to their personal attributes. They could very well be the nicest people in Missoula. All I have to go off of though is the track record of their horrible business practices. Let's recap:

  1. They refuse to comply with a contract they signed with the city.
  2. They refuse to work with my neighborhood because their feelings are hurt.
  3. They try to bully private citizens who ask that they play fair (me).

What's the big mystery here? Their aggressively hostile attitude towards myself and my neighborhood is simply deplorable. Anyone who actively engages in business with them should be ashamed for doing so. Ms. McCarthy is obviously under-educated about this entire scenario, and I feel sorry for her if she was duped into fighting Matt Ellis's battle for him.


Linda K. McCarthy, Missoula

Allegedly. I have my doubts.