Question: Why is my neighborhood the Osprey parking lot?

Why is my neighborhood, A

The parking lot for the ballpark, B

When there's tons of empty space right next to the ballpark, C


A: Mayor John Engen has it in his power to fix this, but refuses to. It's obvious that he just doesn't care about my neighborhood, my family, and our quality of life. Or maybe he's saving that land for developers.

The Mayor, to the best of my knowledge, has exerted ZERO effort in securing land from the old mill site as parking for the ballpark.

The Mayor, to the best of my knowledge, has exerted ZERO effort in providing additional road access to the ballpark. As a result all traffic funnels from Cregg Lane onto Orange, and many frustrated ballpark patrons evade the barricade on Hickory Street to sneak through our neighborhood. They don't care that they have to drive over the lawn of a four-plex to do this. I have reported to the Missoula Police and the Mayor, and the ballpark staff that people are doing this, but THEY JUST DON'T CARE.

So, thanks to the lack of concern and effort to perform his duties, Mayor Engen has turned our neighborhood into a parking lot.

Thanks Mayor Engen, Thanks a lot.

Please click the image of the Mayor above to send him an email asking him to address these issues.