Here is what Play Ball Missoula and the City of Missoula are doing wrong.

This is specifically why I am saying they are not abiding by the terms of their agreement.


This is the proof.



RED=Conditions of the Agreement which I believe Play Ball Missoula and/or the City Of Missoula have not met.

GREEN=My comments on the failure of one or both parties to meet these terms



This Agreement is by and between the City of Missoula (hereinafter the “City”), 435

Ryman, Missoula, MT 59802, and Play Ball Missoula (hereinafter “Play Ball”), a

Montana not- for-profit corporation whose principal place of business is 127 E. Front

Street, Suite 216, Missoula, MT 59802.

WHEREAS, Play Ball has successfully negotiated the transfer of a minor league

professional baseball franchise to Missoula; and,

WHEREAS, Play Ball has agreed to raise the funds necessary to design and construct a

civic stadium which includes a minor league professional baseball park and related

improvements comprised of elements including, but not limited to, clubhouse, seating,

scoreboards, locker rooms, concession areas, restrooms, adjoining parking areas, public

address system and common areas in and around the Baseball Park (hereinafter the

“Facility”) in accordance with the standards of the Major League Baseball Professional

Baseball Agreement; and,

WHEREAS, the City is the intended recipient of a tract of land from Champion

International comprising the lots of Blocks 1,2,3,7, and 8 of the Sunnyside Addition to

the City of Missoula, (hereinafter the “Champion site”) for the purpose of a Civic

Stadium (see Exhibit 1); and,

WHEREAS, the City has agreed to pursue acquisition of those lots in Blocks 9 and 18 of

the Sunnyside Addition to the City of Missoula lying west of the Bitterroot Branch line of

the Montana Rail Link right-of-way (see Exhibit 1); and,

WHEREAS, Play Ball has agreed to manage and maintain at its expense, the Facility, on

behalf of the community; and,

WHEREAS, the City and Play Ball wish to enter into a long-term agreement for the

operation, management and maintenance of the Facility; and,

WHEREAS, the City of Missoula acknowledges the importance of a quality residential

environment to a vibrant downtown,

NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereby enter into this Civic Stadium Use Agreement

which shall be regarded as the principal agreement governing the relationship between

the parties as it pertains to the use and operation of the Facility.

1. Location. The Facility shall be located at the Champion Site, the specific site legally

described as:

Lots and portions of Lots of Blocks and portions of Blocks 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9 and

18 of the Sunnyside Addition to the City of Missoula lying west of the

Bitterroot Branch Line of Montana Rail Link right-of-way and additional

adjacent properties acquired for the purpose of stadium parking.

2. Ownership of the Facility. Concurrent with the execution of this Agreement, Play

Ball agrees to construct the Civic Stadium in accordance with the provisions of this

Agreement and, upon completion of the construction, shall convey to the City, and

the City shall accept, all right, title and interest in and to the Facility located at the

Champion Site. Play Ball agrees that the title to the Facility shall be free of all liens

at the time of transfer.

3. Lease of the Facility. Upon adoption of the Resolution of the City of Missoula City

Council authorizing a Civic Stadium Use Agreement, the City and Play Ball shall

enter into this Civic Stadium Use Agreement for a term of ten(10)years, which shall

be renewable for two successive five[5]year terms upon the giving of ninety[90]

days’ notice by Play Ball of intention to renew. The option to renew may not be

abridged so long as Play Ball is complying with the terms and conditions of its lease.

Further, Play Ball shall enter into a binding lease agreement with a minor league

baseball team by January 1, 2001, a copy of which shall be forwarded to the City


4. Operation of the Facility. Play Ball shall have control over the management and

operation of the Facility as provided by this Agreement, including the use of the

Facility for minor league professional baseball. Play Ball shall, in consultation with

the public, establish a Manual of Policies regarding the use and operation of the

Facility for review and approval by the City. The Manual of Policies shall be

submitted to the City Council along with the Civic Stadium Use Agreement.

Thereafter, the Manual of Policies shall be annually reviewed and revised as needed

by the City Council no later than March 1 following a public hearing. Notification of

the leadership teams of the affected Neighborhood Councils shall occur no later than

the preceding January 15. If the City Council fails to review and revise the Manual of

Policies by that date, Play Ball shall be allowed to operate the Facility under the

terms of the then existing Manual of Policies. The Manual of Policies shall conform

to the provisions of this agreement.

5. Payment in lieu of Taxes. On or before September 30, 2001, and on or before September 30th thereafter, Play Ball shall make a payment of $20,000 to the City in lieu of real and personal property taxes.

6. Maintenance Fund. There shall be a Maintenance Fund into which Play Ball will contribute at least $20,000 in 2001, $35,000 in 2002 and 2003 and $40,000 thereafter for the term of this contract. Play Ball will also contribute to the Maintenance Fund any other operations revenues in excess of expenses and allowing for a reserve account of up to 50% of that year's projected expenses. The purpose of the fund is to provide for long-term maintenance and repair of the facility. Expenditures from the fund must be for maintenance of the facility or its grounds and must be approved by the City.


According to City Council member Bob Jaffee, they have not paid a dime.

As of September, 2007, this totals $390,000




7. Application of laws. Play Ball shall comply with all applicable laws, rules,

regulations and ordinances of every governmental body or agency whose authority

extends to the property or to any business conducted upon the property, including, but

not limited to, rules, regulations and policies relating to use by the public and Play

Ball. Further, Play Ball adopts the statement of non-discrimination used by the City

and attached hereto as Exhibit “A”.

8. Alcohol. Play Ball and the City agree that the use of alcohol in the Facility shall be

in accordance with state and federal laws and the policies of Major League Baseball

Professional Baseball Agreement. Play Ball is given specific permission to permit

the sale and consumption of beer and table wine during minor league professional

baseball games subject to the following limitations:

a) no beer or wine is to be sold after the seventh inning

b) no more than two servings of beer or wine may be sold to one person at

one time

c) beer and wine may be served or sold to special groups (as designated by

Play Ball) for a period beginning one hour before the start of a minor

league professional baseball game.

Any specific requirements regarding the use of alcohol at the Facility, including the

requirement that only Department of Revenue licensed caterers be allowed to serve

alcohol, shall be included in the Manual of Policies governing the Facility.

9. Auxiliary Use of the Facility. The City acknowledges that Play Ball secured a

portion of its financing for the Facility through private debt which Play Ball intends

to repay at least in part from revenue derived from subletting the Facility for purposes

other than minor league professional baseball. It is understood and agreed that the

Facility shall be used and occupied by Play Ball and persons and entities who rent the

Facility from Play Ball for cultural, social and political events consistent with the use

of a City Park.

No liens may be filed against publicly owned City property. Play Ball covenants that

no liens will attach to the Facility as a result of Play Ball’s operation of the Facility,

and Play Ball will hold harmless, defend and indemnify the City of Missoula against

any asserted claims or liens.

The parties hereto recognize that permitted and prohibited use of the Facility will be

determined over time based on experience. Any use, which is prohibited or restricted

either by its nature, potential damage to the Facility or undue disruption to the

neighborhood, shall be listed in the Manual of Policies provided for in Section 4.

Operation of the Facility, above.

10. Management Fee. The City shall not be required to pay Play Ball any fee for

management of the Facility. Consideration to Play Ball will be the ability to manage

events in the Facility and charge rental on the Facility as set out below.

11. Facility Rental. Play Ball shall be entitled to rent the Facility or portions thereof to

persons and entities for cultural, social and political events consistent with the use of

a City park. Play Ball shall be responsible for all costs and expenses associated with

such rentals. Play Ball shall be entitled to set rental rates for use of the Facility or

specific portions of the Facility and retain all rents paid for such use for operation,

management and maintenance of the Facility.

12. Nondiscrimination. Play Ball recognizes that it is unlawful to discriminate in

violation of State or Federal laws and Play Ball agrees that Play Ball shall not

discriminate in either employment matters or in the provision of any public services

or public accommodations because of, or on the basis of race, creed, religion, color,

national origin, sex, marital status, age, physical or mental disability, political ideas,

unless with respect to employment positions the genuine reasonable demands of the

employment position require a bona fide occupational qualification pertaining to an

age, physical or mental disability, marital status or sex distinction.

13. Facility Operation, Maintenance and Repair. Play Ball agrees to maintain the

Facility in good, clean and safe condition at its sole expense, including payment of all

personnel salaries and benefits of those employed by Play Ball for maintenance

purposes, utilities (including gas, water, electricity, telephone and sewer),

maintenance, insurance, professional fees and costs, advertising, garbage collection

service, all normal, routine and necessary costs of operation, and any applicable taxes

and assessments. Maintenance shall include repairs to the roof, structure and building

systems of the Facility as well as the ball field, clubhouse, locker rooms, concession

stands, restrooms, offices, lights, public address system, fences, screens, irrigation

systems, bleachers, box seats, Facility parking areas, and common areas. Nothing in

this provision shall require or preclude Play Ball from contracting with the City or its

departments for maintenance services at the Facility.

14. Noise Ordinance. Play Ball acknowledges the City has adopted a Noise Ordinance

that prohibits excessive noise within the City. Play Ball agrees to specifically include

compliance with the City’s Noise Ordinance in its agreements to rent the Facility.

The City recognizes that minor league professional baseball games may, on occasion,

exceed permitted levels of noise. The City Council specifically grants a Permit For

Relief from Noise Levels for these occasions as stipulated in Section 9.30.070 (B)

Missoula Municipal Code. All other events and activities shall abide by the City’s

Noise Ordinance. This provision notwithstanding, Play Ball will endeavor to

minimize sound, amplified or otherwise, during minor league professional baseball

games which continue after 10:00 p.m. so that the intent of the municipal Noise

Ordinance is observed. No event may use sound amplification equipment other than

the Facility sound system without the expressed written permission of the Civic

Stadium Extraordinary Events committee as provided in Section 13. Events, below.

Play Ball shall maintain control of the Facility sound system at all times and shall

reduce or eliminate the sound in the event of a verified violation of the Municipal

Noise Ordinance.

15. Lights. Use of lights other than those installed as a permanent part of the Facility

will be subject to the approval of the Extraordinary Events committee. Lighting of the

Facility Parking area shall be in conformance with City ordinances governing such

issues. Half of the illumination in the Facility Parking Area shall be turned off no

later than forty- five (45) minutes after the conclusion of any event, Extraordinary or

otherwise. And all of the lights in the Facility Parking Area shall be turned off no

later than sixty (60) minutes after the conclusion of any event, Extraordinary or

otherwise. Lights in the Facility Park Area shall never be used before 3:00 p.m.

16. Events. The parties hereto acknowledge that the Facility is a community facility and

will be used by the community for a variety of purposes in addition to the intended

use of minor league professional baseball. Further, the parties agree the Facility will

be suitable for some events and not others. Unsuitable Events are those which

endanger the public, exceed the Facility’s ability to support public use during the

event or unduly jeopardize the Facility, or cause undue hardship on the surrounding

neighborhood as determined by the Civic Stadium Extraordinary Events Committee.

Unsuitable Events will not be permitted in the Facility.

Extraordinary Events are events which, by their nature, require observance of

specific provisions to protect the interests of the community as well as those of the

affected neighborhood. The parties acknowledge that it is impossible to catalog each

and every potential Extraordinary Event and therefore the parties agree that events

with the following characteristics, alone or combined in any fashion, will be

Extraordinary Events:

a) Events with potential expected or planned attendance at any one time of

more than 500 persons.

b) Events which require more parking than that provided on the 2.5 acre site

directly south of the Facility.

c) Events which run for more than six (six) consecutive hours, or the same

event occurs for more than two (2) consecutive days.

d) Events that require sound amplification in addition to the sound system

incorporated into the Facility.

e) Events that require the City Council to grant a specific variance from the

City of Missoula noise ordinance in order to legally occur.

f) Events such as rodeos, circuses, livestock sho ws, etc., that involve large

animals such as horses, cattle, sheep or similar or larger animals.

Each extraordinary event shall be reviewed by a Civic Stadium Extraordinary Events committee comprised of the following members:

a) one representative of Play Ball Missoula;

b) the Mayor, or his or her designee;

c) the City Council Conservation Committee chair or the Chair’s designee;

d) one representative from the Community Forum;

e) one representative each from the Riverfront Neighborhood Council, the

Westside Neighborhood Council and the Heart of Missoula Neighborhood

Council (to be selected by each affected Neighborhood Council);

f) one member of the Park Board;

g) and the manager of the Facility.

This committee will determine the measures necessary to mitigate the undesirable impacts of Extraordinary Events which may include the posting of a bond, or to determine whether such events should occur at all.


On September 7, 2007, an Extraordinary Event took place at the stadium without any notification to the Extraordinary Events committee.

The Police put their barricade in place, but I had to assert my presence at the barricade when the event was over to prevent ballpark patrons from moving it aside.  This event qualified as an Extraordinary Event under qualification #1, the potential expected or planned attendance at any one time of more than 500 persons.  This event was advertised on local tv channels, and only a moron would argue that the potential attendance could not exceed 500.  Also, this would have qualified under provision b;  I took photos of their parking lot and the overflow parking on Cregg Lane and Hickory Streets.


17. Parking/Traffic Control. In order to mitigate and control the impacts of parking and

traffic generated by the Facility on the neighborhood and other public facilities, the

parties agree to the following multi-part strategy:

a) Hickory Street will be closed north of the intersection of River Street

during all minor league professional baseball games and Extraordinary



Up until September 17, 2007 (when they began constructing a permanent barricade), this was ineffectively attempted with a flimsy barricade which was easily moved by ballpark patrons, and was not attended to by staff (see below).  You may view pictures ballpark patrons evading this barricade here, here, here, and here’s a fellow who tried to drive around it, on the sidewalk.  On a small percentage of event nights during the summer of 2007, because I had repeatedly complained to the Mayor, the City Council, and Matt Ellis, they were successful in keeping the street closed.  Most nights required my personal intervention to maintain the street closure.  And I am NOT an employee of Play Ball or the City Of Missoula.


b) Play Ball shall ensure that incentives are offered to encourage alternative

transportation to baseball games and all extraordinary events. Alternative

transportation goals for each such event should include: three (3) busloads

of 60 people each, 100 bicycles, and 10%pedestrians.

c) With the approval of the City, Play Ball and its lessees will be responsible

for street closures and parking/traffic control during Extraordinary Events.

Each event, including minor league professional baseball games, shall

provide the necessary parking and traffic control in the form of barricades,

signs, and trained traffic controllers.


See above.  They were ineffective in maintaining the street closure, and their “trained traffic controllers” only successfully performed their function during a small percentage of the ballgame evenings during the summer of 2007.  During the summer of 2006 their performance was even worse.  It’s only by my persistance that they’ve felt the need to obey this term at all.


d) Persons or groups renting the Facility shall agree to specific requirements

for parking and traffic control in writing as a condition for using the


e) Prior to the beginning of the minor league baseball season, Play Ball shall

obtain written use agreements with owners of public and private lots in the

area in order to provide 438 available parking spaces during minor league

professional baseball games and Extraordinary Events. Play Ball shall

notify the City whenever any of these use agreements change. The City

authorizes the use of city parking spaces to the south and west of the City

Parks and Recreation Facility at 100 Hickory Street, public parking spaces

on Cregg Lane and the spaces created by the temporary closure of the 100

and 200 blocks of Hickory Street during minor league baseball games and

extraordinary events for use during minor league baseball games and

extraordinary events. The City spaces at 100 Hickory Street are available

only on weekends and holidays or from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. on regular workdays.

f) Play Ball shall create, distribute and publicize through local newspapers, a

map depicting all offsite parking spaces as required by this agreement,

none of which may be at locations directly in front of residential property.


They have not done this.



g) In order to preserve parking for users of McCormick Park, the City will

place signage at the entrance to McCormick Park parking lot limiting use

to McCormick Park users only.

h) At such time as parking facilities are created at the former Hart Refinery

site, the City will provide motor vehicle connections to the City street

network in such a manner as to disperse in multiple directions the motor

vehicle traffic coming to and from the lot.


The City has not done this.


i) By the completion of the first full season of operation of the Facility, Play

Ball shall have conducted a parking and traffic study, as prescribed by the

City Engineer, to determine parking and traffic patterns for different size

events, to measure adverse impacts to the neighborhood caused by the

Facility, and to indicate any remediation measures. Any remediation

measures will be developed and financed by the City and Play Ball


j) Play Ball shall construct outdoor bicycle facilities for 100 bikes within 50

feet of an entrance to the stadium and shall provide space for construction

of an additional 300 bicycle parking facilities. Play Ball shall provide

covered and secure bicycle parking for a minimum of twenty percent of

full time staff members at the stadium.

k) The Hickory Trail system will be used as an emergency exit route to the

west, for automobiles, should access to the east via Cregg Lane be

blocked. Any damage to the trail system resulting from traffic from the

stadium shall be the responsibility of Play Ball.

l) Play Ball and the City will develop event-handling plans for each type of


18. Traffic Calming. The City will test ways to calm traffic generated by the Facility at

the intersections of Hickory and First Street, Hickory and Second Street, Cottonwood

and First Street, and Cottonwood and Second Street. If, after the first full season of

operation, traffic calming is shown to be effective, the neighborhood may apply to the

City for permanent traffic calming and the City and Play Ball will be responsible for

the cost of any permanent traffic calming measures to mitigate Civic Stadium events.

19. Park and Ride. The parties recognize the significant public and private investment

in the parking lot at the Civic Stadium. Further, the parties recognize the need for

parking for other than parking during baseball games and auxiliary events. Therefore,

the City and Play Ball reserve the right to use the parking lot of the Civic Stadium for

other purposes except during periods when events are held. Such use and terms

therefore shall be memorialized and approved by Play Ball and the City.

20. Signs/Advertising. The parties acknowledge that advertising signs are a part of the

anticipated revenue of Play Ball and minor league professional baseball. Nothing in

this Agreement shall preclude placement of advertising within the confines of the

Facility. The parties agree the permanent scoreboard, the exterior surface of which

facing within the Facility, may be visible from some points outside the Facility at all


21. Facility Name. The City recognizes that Play Ball desires to offer naming rights for

the Facility and its component parts as a capital fundraising mechanism and agrees

that the City shall take ownership of the Facility with a name assigned to it by Play

Ball. Play Ball agrees that the name shall not include words that are discriminatory,

derogatory or offensive.

22. City Use of the Facility. The City and Play Ball agree that the Facility shall be

available at no charge for City-sponsored events a total of six times during the course

of the calendar year; on three occasions during the course of the professional minor

league baseball season when such use will not interfere with minor league baseball

uses and on three occasions during the balance of the year. If any occasion

constitutes an Extraordinary Event, the City will contribute to the costs associated

with customary Extraordinary Event expenses such as parking and traffic control, etc.

The City shall not be exempt from any provisions governing other Extraordinary


23. Right to Enter. City officials may enter the Facility at any reasonable time to

conduct inspections of the condition of the Facility and to ascertain that cleaning and

maintenance are being performed in a satisfactory manner.

24. Personal Property and Liability Risk. The City shall not be liable to Play Ball or

those claiming through or under Play Ball, for injury, death or property damage

occurring in, on or about the Civic Stadium or its Parking Facility, and Play Ball shall

indemnify the City, hold it harmless, and defend the City from any claim or damage

arising from any injury, death, property damage, or administrative operational or

management claim occurring in, on or about the Civic Stadium or Parking Facility to

any person. Without limiting Play Ball’s liability hereunder, Play Ball agrees, at its

own cost and expense, to have in continuous effect as soon as construction

commences, public liability insurance protecting the City and Play Ball in the amount

of Seven Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($750,000) per claim and One Million Five

hundred thousand Dollars ($1,500,000) in the aggregate for personal injuries

sustained by any one or more persons. All policies of insurance shall name both the

City and Play Ball as insured thereunder, and shall protect the interests of the City. A

copy of the insurance policy shall be provided to the City Clerk.

To assure the carrying out of the public purposes of the facility and the mutual

coordination of efforts of the parties, the Mayor of the City of Missoula, or his

designee, shall serve on the Board of Directors of Play Ball during the term of this


25. Business Records. Play Ball agrees that it shall keep and provide to the City a full

and complete accounting of all income and expenses of the operation of the Facility

and that its accounting records shall be open to the City upon request. Play Ball shall

provide the Mayor’s Office with a copy of an annual audit of Play Ball Missoula’s

financial accounts.

26. Notice. Notice to the City shall be sent to:

The Office of the Mayor

435 Ryman Street

Missoula, MT 59802

Notice to Play Ball Missoula shall be sent to:

Play Ball Missoula

127 E. Front Street, Suite 216

Missoula, MT 59802

If there is a change in address the party changing its address shall timely notify the

other party of any address change.

27. Default. If Play Ball violates or fails to abide by the provisions of the Agreement;

and fails to take immediate corrective action within thirty (30) days written notice

from the City of a violation or default; Play Ball will be deemed to have forfeited its

privileges and management rights with respect to operation of the Facility. If the

parties disagree over interpretation of the Use Agreement, the parties agree to submit

the dispute to arbitration. In the event this Use Agreement is terminated due to a

default and Play Ball is removed as manager of the Facility, the City becomes the

facility manager and assumes responsibilities and liability pursuant thereto.

28. Remedies. Upon default the City may take possession of the Facility. If any default

occurs, Play Ball shall be responsible for any and all bills, expenses and costs

incurred with respect to the construction, establishment and operation of the Facility

up to the date of the City’s taking possession. Play Ball shall also be solely

responsible for complying with state and federal environmental protection laws

pertaining to environmental, hazardous or deleterious substance, hazardous materials,

or hazardous wastes and environmental clean-up during the construction,

management or operation of the Civic Stadium facility during Play Ball’s use of the

lands in question.

29. Surrender of Premises. At the conclusion of any lease period for which there is no

renewal, Play Ball agrees to leave the premises of the Facility in as good or better

condition, and will surrender all keys, maintenance manuals, as-built drawings

whether modified or not, to the City. Further, Play Ball will remove all items of

personal property whether owned by Play Ball, its tenants or lessees unless

specifically authorized by the City in writing to do otherwise.

30. Quiet Possession. Play Ball shall be entitled to the quiet possession and use of the

Facility as herein described so lo ng as the terms of this agreement and any other

agreements between the parties are complied with.

31. Termination and Modification by Mutual Consent. The parties may consider

termination and any modification of, or amendments to, this Agreement at any time,

but any such termination, modification or amendment may only be in writing signed

by the parties and approved by the City Council.

32. Complete Agreement. This Agreement, including any exhibits and attachments

hereto, embodies the entire agreement and understanding of the parties with respect to

its subject matter. There are no restrictions, promises, representations, warranties,

covenants, or undertakings other than those expressly set forth or referred to in this

Agreement. Both parties shall be prohibited from offering into evidence in any

arbitration or civil action any terms, conditions, understandings, warranties,

statements or representations, whether oral or written, that are not contained in this

Agreement. No party will be bound by any terms, conditions, understandings,

warranties, statements or representations, whether oral or written, that are not

contained in this Agreement.

33. Severability. If any provision of this Agreement is declared void or held invalid,

such provision will be deemed severed from this Agreement and, the remaining

provisions of this Agreement will otherwise remain in full force and effect.

34. Relationship of Parties. The parties hereto are not and shall not be regarded as

partners or joint venturers and neither party shall, as a result of this Agreement, be

held to answer for any loss, charge or expense in connection with or arising from

operation of the Facility except as specifically provided in this Agreement or any

other agreement entered into by the parties hereto.

35. Play Ball shall provide the City annually with a full accounting of its income and

expenses with respect to the operation of the facility. The reporting period will be the

calendar year and submission of this accounting shall be no later than January 31st of

the year following the close of any reporting year.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals this

day of , 2000.

Play Ball Missoula City of Missoula

Michael Flaherty, Chairman Mayor Mike Kadas

Play Ball Missoula Attest:

Brad Luck, Secretary Martha L. Rehbein, City Clerk

Approved as to form:

Jim Nugent, City Attorney

Page 20 of 22

Civic Stadium Use Agreement

State of Montana )

) ss.

County of Missoula )

On this day of , 2000, personally appeared before me,

Michael Flaherty, of Play Ball Missoula known to me to be the person whose name is

subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that s/he executed the same.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Notarial Seal,

the day and year first above written.

Notary Public for the State of Montana

Residing at Missoula, Montana

My Commission expires

State of Montana )

) ss.

County of Missoula )

On this day of , 2000, personally appeared before me, Brad

Luck, of Play Ball Missoula known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to

the within instrument and acknowledged to me that s/he executed the same.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Notarial Seal,

the day and year first above written.

Notary Public for the State of Montana

Residing at Missoula, Montana

My Commission expires


Exhibit A


Playball Missoula agrees that any and all hiring by them related to this Agreement shall

be on the basis of merit and qualifications and there shall be no discrimination on the

basis of race, color, creed, religion, political ideas, gender, age, marital status, physical or

mental handicap, national origin or ancestry, by persons performing this contract.

Qualifications mean such abilities as are genuinely related to competent performance of

the particular occupational task.