The Missoula Osprey Are Getting a Free Ride!


You and I pay taxes and fees. But The Missoula Osprey Don't!

Here are the 2 parts of the Use Agreement that outline how much The Missoula Osprey are to pay the City each year. I have to ask, if this was never intended to be adhered to, why bother putting it in the contract? Oh well, it's there. That makes it binding, right?

5. Payment in lieu of Taxes. On or before September 30, 2001, and on or before
September 30th thereafter, Play Ball shall make a payment of $20,000 to the City in
lieu of real and personal property taxes.
AND.... $40,000 into a maintenance fund annually!
6. Maintenance Fund. There shall be a Maintenance Fund into which Play Ball will
contribute at least $20,000 in 2001, $35,000 in 2002 and 2003 and $40,000 thereafter
for the term of this contract. Play Ball will also contribute to the Maintenance Fund
any other operations revenues in excess of expenses and allowing for a reserve
account of up to 50% of that year's projected expenses. The purpose of the fund is to
provide for long-term maintenance and repair of the facility. Expenditures from the
fund must be for maintenance of the facility or its grounds and must be approved by
the City.


Payment In Lieu Of Taxes		Maintenance Fund	"Gifts" from City

09/30/2001		$20,000		2001	$20,000		$1,000,000 (I'm not sure what year)
09/30/2002		 20,000		2002	 35,000
09/30/2003		 20,000		2003	 35,000
09/30/2004		 20,000		2004	 40,000
09/30/2005		 20,000		2005	 40,000		 1,000,000 (I'm not sure what year)
09/30/2006		 20,000		2006	 40,000
09/30/2007               20,000         2007     40,000                      
09/30/2008               20,000         2008     40,000
09/30/2009               20,000         2009     40,000 
09/30/2010               20,000         2010     40,000
09/30/2011	         20,000         2011     40,000
Total		       $220,000		       $410,000	         $2,000,000

GRAND TOTAL:  $2,630,000 !!!


(plus $6,000,000 from private financial institutions in 2006, and who knows what else)

How much of this $630,000 have they paid to the City of Missoula?
Absolutely Nothing!

This shows that the Osprey contribute absolutely zero funds to our city, in violation of the contract they signed. How many other businesses get a free ride?

If any of this information is incorrect, I welcome any feedback and will correct this site.


The Missoula Osprey Management and/or Play Ball are getting a free ride.

And our City is rolling over like a lap dog to make sure this free ride is a smooth one.


I'm not making this stuff up. Here is an email from our City Council person Bob Jaffe which explains how the City Of Missoula is doing everything possible to service the Missoula Osprey Management first and foremost.

So... The City thinks that the Missoula Osprey Management is in compliance with the contract. They are somehow able to bend reality and somehow re-interpret the above verbage to mean whatever the Missoula Osprey Management wants it to mean. In fact, rather than adhere to and enforce this contract, the City and the Missoula Osprey Management are working together to rewrite the parts that the Missoula Osprey Management doesn't like. How great is that?

What is the nature of this mystical control that the Missoula Osprey Management has over the City of Missoula? Are they expert hypnotists? Do they compensate city officials somehow for letting things flow their way? I just don't get it.


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