The Lies Of Matt Ellis, Missoula Osprey Owner/Manager

Click HERE (PDF FORMAT) to download and read the Protection Order filed against me.

  • I have never threatened Matt Ellis, his family, or his staff, as he says in this document.
  • Nor have I sent him abusive, threatening emails.
  • Nor have I ever harassed him, his family, his staff, or anyone remotely associated with any of his enterprises.
All I've ever done is spoke out and asked him and the City Of Missoula to comply with the terms of the contract they signed with eachother. He apparently sees this as a serious threat to his... thing.


I have never telephoned Mr. Ellis, his place of employment, his staff, his family, or anyone associated with him.
I have never physically mailed him anything.
I have, in the course of my lifetime thus far, sent him a total of 4 emails that went only to him, all polite and non-threateming, all available on this site.
I have never been to his home or his office, nor have I seen either, nor do I even know where they are. Nor do I care.

I had never even SEEN this person until the day I faced him to defend myself and answer these ridiculous charges.

And yet, he was able to get a temporary restraining order against me, for allegedly stalking! Yep. He abused our justice system - part of it designed to protect abused women and other real victims of violent crime - for his own gain.

At the hearing over this restraining order, on September 19, 2006, he sheepishly withdrew his petition. Why? Because he had absolutely no case against me. Had he not done this, he would have been guilty of perjury. He was banking on my violating the temporary restraining order and/or not appearing to face him in court. But I am not a coward, nor am I a criminal.

The restraining order was an attempt by Mr. Ellis to intimidate and shut me up; perhaps to prevent me from attending city meetings in which I may have expressed my concerns over the lawfulness of his operation.

Why would he want to silence me?

During July/August of 2006, his organization had to scramble for money to finish building their stadium, or risk losing his franchise. They did this by convincing the City Of Missoula to break/bend/ignore the part of their contract that says liens couldn't be placed against the stadium itself or the property it's on (which they don't own). This allowed them to borrow $6 MILLION from local lending institutions.

Keep in mind that I am not against the ballpark. I am against the unlawful manner in which I believe it's operating, and I'm against the tactic of victimizing critics. Why not communicate with the citizens and work with us to make this whole thing a positive experience? I just don't get it.

Read more.

  • Click Here to download the pdf-format copy of the Restraining Order filed against me by Mr. Ellis and his dad, Mike Ellis.
  • Click Here to view a sentence-by-sentence rebuttal of the Protection Order in which I outline their lies.
  • Click Here to download a zip file containing every email I've ever written that went to Matt Ellis. This is the only form of communication I've ever employed in dealing with this individual and organization. You will clearly see that his charges of threats against himself, his family, and his staff are blatant lies.
  • Click Here to download a tar.gz file of this website as it appeared the moment I was served the BS Protection Order. You will see that it contains zero threats to the Ellises, their family, or their staff. This is further proof of their lies.
  • Click Here to view an email from my web host proving that the aboved tar.gz file was created on August 31, 2006 and hasn't been altered since.
  • Click Here to read the Missoula Independent article about The Missoula Osprey Management taking out a "protective order" against me.
  • Click Here to view the slanderous, false police report referenced by the Protection Order linked above, and my rebuttal.
  • Click Here to read an anonymous letter from a frightened neighbor.
  • Click Here to read a USA Today article suggesting that the Missoula Osprey may have been involved in smuggling ballplayers from Cuba to the USA.


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