How you can help.

Click Here to see a map of Missoula's wards, with links to each ward's council members. Please contact your council member and tell them that it's not right to allow Play Ball and/or The Missoula Osprey to continue to operate above and beyond the law. Tell them that the city should also abide by the contract it signed and enforce the contract. Please direct them to this website so they can read about the abuses of The Missoula Osprey Management themselves. Ask them why The Missoula Osprey and/or Play Ball are more important than our citizens and neighborhoods.

Please encourage County Attorney Fred Van Valkenburg to charge Matt and Mike Ellis with the crime of False Swearing (45-7-202) for lying on a sworn document (stating that my website contained threats against themselves, their family, and staff, and that I sent abusive, threatening emails). I have provided the proof to Mr. Van Valkenburg that they committed this crime, but he has expressed no interest in charging them, and has not given me any reason for not doing this as of yet.

Fred Van Valkenburg
Missoula County Attorney
PHONE: 406-258-4737
FAX:   406-258-4915
MAIL:  200 W. Broardway, Missoula MT 59802
If they are not charged for this crime, this is the result:

Ask Matt and Mike Ellis why they're aggressively hostile to citizens and why they don't do the right thing. Don't go to Osprey games, don't eat at the Uptown Diner.

Contact the people/organizations listed below under Contacts. They might not seem to care now, but if people don't voice their concerns, they never will. Be sure to VOTE as well! Big business and special interests can buy candidates only once every few years. But we're stuck with whoever they've bought unless we vote in consciencious city council reps, mayor, etc.

Please ask these advertisers to NOT continue supporting the Missoula Osprey until/unless they begin operating in a moral and legal manner.

Spread The Word. Let everyone you know who might attend games know about the not-so-community-friendly nature of these people. Direct them to this site - If you don't act on this, your neighborhood might be next. Give them an inch, they'll take a mile.


If You Are Bothered By The Noise...

I know many people in the neighborhood have issues with noise from the stadium during games. AND, noise control is another issue that our city is rolling back on. They simply don't seem to care. I encourage you to listen to the announcer (as if you have a choice!), and listen for the advertisements. Then, contact the advertisers and express your dismay, and ask that they spend their advertising dollars elsewhere. This is entirely within your rights as a citizen. Be polite, but firm. If the Osprey Management cannot be held accountable by the law, or by Minor League Baseball, they need some other legal, peaceful encouragement to get their act together. Please refer the advertisers to this site - If you're afraid of the Ole-Boy Machine, send me the advertiser information and I'll do the letter writing/mailing.


If You Would Like To Support A Just Cause

You can send me money to help cover my legal expenses and etc. Here's a PayPal link:
I believe there may be a small fee for using paypal. You may always email me to get my mailing address, or look it up in the phonebook, to send a money order or cashier's check. I only ask for donations from those who are financially able. This money will go to reimburse me for my legal fees, and medications I needed to buy because of the stress of the fraudulent protection order filed against me by the Missoula Osprey Management. My email address is keith at mzla dot com. If I receive enough donations, I'll pursue damages from the Missoula Osprey Management themselves. But lawyers don't work for free!



Contact Information


*Note: I've sent e-mail to Mr. Earle inquiring as to whether or not community input was accepted in considering the licensure of teams such as the Missoula Osprey. While I have not received a reply from Minor League Baseball, I've been made aware that Missoula Osprey Management has been informed that I made the inquiry, and they're none too happy about that. In fact, they have used this as a reason to cease communicating with our neighborhood group (The Missoula Riverfront Neighborhood Council), which I do not represent, nor have I ever implied that I represent them.


Main Page - My Complaints - Osprey's Free Ride - Read Their Lies - The Osprey Business Model - Osprey Advertisers
How You Can Help - Contact Info